Highlights: 10 months of families

To spare you from 10,000 posts, here’s just a few of my favorite family moments…

1. Little Ethan loved this part of his ONE year session!  I guess most boys would like a dirty old bathtub to play in???

2. What other session would correlate with the number TWO than these adorable twins?

3. These THREE make quite a happy family, don’t they?  Ok, enough with the number/word play.

4.  One of the quickest shoots I’ve ever had.  Under 15 minutes, and these boys were all smiles.

5.  One of the sweetest, most feminine shoots ever!

6. How precious are my old friends from Fort Worth?  I truly think they could be a Dr. Pepper advertisement!

7.  Yet, some more sweet friends from our old church!  The Gentry fam knows how to infect my blog with cuteness!

8.  I seem to have a theme going here…here are some more old friends!  The Russells had an incredible fishing-themed shoot last year.  Just you wait til you see their session I did just the other day!

9.  And how could I ever forget this fabulous session that went from

A. Nautical, beautiful, perfectly sunlit…


B. Crazy, wet, and perfectly awesome!

If you want a peek at more photos from these sessions, skip on over to my Facebook Fan Page!

Coelho Family: 10 Years and Counting!

They met in 4th grade.  They got married at 18.  They had 3 kids.  She finally got her dream wedding dress 10 years later.  It was one of the sappiest love stories I’ve ever heard.   Thank you, Coelho’s for the faithful testimony of young love grown strong through the guidance and grace of the God who loves without measure.

Be on the lookout for

  • The “first look.”  Yes, I was tearing up just watching them!
  • Vows renewed
  • A little boy entranced by the horses
  • An old picture book from 4th grade and a wedding day photo
  • Swingset, a sentimental place for 4th grade friends turned sweethearts