Announcement, Excitement, Changes!

I’m sitting here enjoying a cup of Central Market’s Decaf Snickernut coffee.  Decaf because 1. It’s so late and 2.  I’m pregnant!  Had to get that news out there somehow! 😉  At the end of this post, I will explain how that will temporarily change business in several months, but first, I want to tell you our news in the same, exciting way that we told family and friends.

We found out I was pregnant the day we were to leave for Boston for a Spring Break vacation.  Drew and I quickly decided over a nice dinner date that we would use our vacation to make a video to announce to our immediate family (who are all over Texas) and then the rest of our family and friends over Facebook (technology is such a good thing).

Drew and I think family should come first, and I skyped my parents as they watched it.  Once again, thanks to technology, I was able to screen-capture their responses.  It was great!  Here’s the brief version of what happened…

Now that you’ve gotten a glimpse inside our lives and excitement, I wanted to quickly explain how this wonderful blessing is going to affect business.  Of course, nothing is predictable with pregnancy, but if I can somewhat judge from my other 2 children, I will say that I plan on continuing photography through the summer and early fall.  (With my first child, I had a photo shoot on his due date! Ha!)  Because I’m due in November, I do not plan to travel outside of DFW during the last couple months for photo shoots/weddings.  I also plan on taking maternity leave, but my due date is set at a great time to do so…right before the holidays, which I like to take off of any way.  Props to ‘baby’ for wanting to come a great time!  I cannot completely plan as of now, but I will continue to update my plans on here.  Blessings on this week, and I hope you are experiencing as much excitement as we have!

“Style Me Pretty” & “Texas Live” Magazine

These past few months have been a whirlwind of activity.  (Hence, the lack of blogging and then blogging like 15 posts in 2 nights to try to catch up!)  I have gone through a busy semester of ministry, teaching senior girls’ sunday school (my fave!), soccer season and ballet, homeschooling my kids their preschool curriculum, and everything else that life has brought our way.  After “life” comes photography, and I have to say that I’ve been a little taken back by what the Lord has done.

There are far too many great photographers out there…great photographers with lots of awards, constant publications, and expensive marketing.  I have no business ever comparing myself to them or wishing to be them.  I do, however, have the responsibility to claim every bit of “good” handed to me as an amazing example of both God’s sovereignty and grace.  Know that this post is not about me, it’s about Him.  These publications I will briefly talk about (and a couple in the workings), as well as all the floods of business I received, have not been sought out by me, but rather handed to me by Him.  GOD has provided for, marketed, and affirmed the business He’s called me to in undeserving, unreal ways.  He’s beyond gracious, and I really don’t understand it.

In November, I had a wedding published and in Style Me Pretty.  You can see the link here.  The wedding in the previous post was a spectacular event with beautiful people (as genuine and humble as can be, by the way), and so I was not surprised that SMP decided to publish it.  It’s a wedding of dreams for shabby chic brides!  Go and check it out!

In December I was contacted for 2 possible magazine publications, and a couple of weeks ago, I received the first.  It was the “Texas Live” bridal issue.  My photos are numbered below.  What sweet proof of God’s kindness to my family and business!

Excuse the loud tablecloth

IMPORTANT NOTE:  This is not photography-related. Well, only one bullet point is. 😉

I really don’t know why I do this occasionally, but sometimes I just have the urge to finish several projects, and I can’t figure out which is the most important, so I use my kids’ afternoon nap-time to complete absolutely nothing, but get one step closer to completing everything.  Haha!  Maybe some of you moms can say “Amen!”  I actually LOVE the accomplishment I feel in checking things off of my weekly list, so once again, I don’t know why I ever do this.  Maybe it’s somewhere way down the line in the gene-pool or maybe it’s the combination of my self-drive and idealism.

Whatever it may be, I found myself there today.  I had stopped to fill the coffee mug, and I looked down, and I saw something.  I realized I was surrounded by some of my favorite things.  I then took a step on a kitchen chair to stare down at the mess.  Ahhh!  Seeing the birds-eye view was actually quite stress-relieving.  I stood there, sipped some coffee and enjoyed the view.  Then, I took a picture to remind me that my messes are  the reflection of what I love most.  Well, not always, but sometimes.

So, I thought I might share.  About a year ago, I blogged about authenticity.  Well, THIS is authentic Hailey.  Here’s a few of my favorite things that I experience, use, and enjoy on a daily basis.

ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTE:  This is the exact view I got from the chair…except that I traded a dirty bowl for a clean one (for your benefit), and of course, I wanted to use my good camera for the shot, and so just swap that little point-and-shoot for the mental image of my 5D.  Haha!

1.  Bible:  I love how this is in the left-hand corner because, yes, this is the most important time of my day.  Apparently, I never cleared the table between Bible time and make-a-mess time.

2.  Homemade Planner:  Ok, this is just a cute notebook, that I have personally tabbed, but I just couldn’t pass up the cuteness to get a boring planner at Target.  This is the list that I was sub-conciously rebelling against checking off today.

3.  Cell Phone:  Yes, I need contact to the outside world, one way or another, at all times.

4.  Coffee:  A must.  My coffee break is during my kids nap-time when I can actually savor it.  Today’s flavor…Central Market Coffee Nut.

5.  Entertaining and Ministry Combo:  I’m currently preparing for a weekend girls event at our church.  That means lots of cutesy decor prep.  Those napkins wrapped in twine remind me not only of entertaining, but, more importantly, of the ministry to students that my husband and I adore at Travis Avenue Baptist Church.  I do love a good (creatively decorated) party, though!

6.  Graphic Design and Crafting:  Also in my plans for the weekend…a baby shower for a friend at Travis.  I’m currently in the midst of creating a centerpiece with cards that I designed to look like old plane tickets for an aviation-themed shower.  Blog to come about that! I absolutely LOVE projects that combine both design and craft.

7.  Camera:  This is where you should imagine the 5D.  Not much discussion.  I just love it!  I love how it reminds me of how the Lord has brought me the best clients and wonderful memories.

8.  Apples:  Actually, I should say fruit.  The old get-to-know-you question, “What’s your favorite food?”  is always answered, “Fruit!”

9.  Paper Towels:  Yes, I do love them.  With a 3 and 5 year-old, we use them A LOT.  We should buy stock.

10.  Candle:  A triple-scented, hand poured candle from Midland’s Candle Cafe.  Check them out online! In my opinion, “Cinilla” makes the mess smell good.

11.  Anthro Bowl:  Cute dishes make meals happy.  Even Mac and Cheese tastes gourmet.

12.  Kids’ Cups:  I don’t necessarily like when my kids trail their mess all over the house.  In fact, we have taught them early on that they are in charge of cleaning what they get out.  (Makes the parent’s job easier.)  However, I love the reminder of how blessed I am to be at home…with the kids…with the mess.  The cups=memories in my mind.  How great it is to remember that the time of Princesses and Toy Story will be over in the blink of an eye.  I won’t always have those kids’ cups in the cabinet.  Ok, away with the emotion…

13.  A Very Loud Tablecloth:  Please excuse the fact that my projects blend in with it.  Or maybe that’s why I love it.

Nap-time is over.  Will blog again soon!

Love, Hailey

Hail(ey) to Pumpkin!

Each year, Fall beckons me to enjoy all things pumpkin, so I thought I might pass a few of these favorite things on to you!   You don’t have to be a Fall fanatic to enjoy them.  However, if you DO share the the same sentiments toward Fall, may your little heart beat sappily (is that a word?) and happily  as you try a few new pumpkin things!

1.  Pumpkin bread: Recently, I photographed my first batch of the season, and I got tons of comments!  This is a family favorite that my mom baked every Fall, brought to our Thanksgiving gatherings, and froze so that we could enjoy throughout the holiday seasons.  (Warning: If you dare try the recipe included at the closing of the blog, you may want to make more than one recipe.  It never stayed in the freezer long!)

2.  Stonewall Kitchen Maple Pumpkin Butter:  I tried this for the first time this year, and it was instantly a favorite.  Eat it on scones, add it to your peanut butter sandwiches, spread it on pancakes.  Every way we’ve tried it has been quite delectable!  (Bought at Central Market)

3.  Lola Savannah Pumpkin Spice Coffee:  I am usually quite disciplined with my coffee intake, considering caffeine does a number on my body (if I drink a cup after dinner, I’m bound to stay up until 2 AM), but this coffee tempts me to drink unresponsibly.  It’s a perfect combination of pumpkin, spice, and coffee flavors minus the sugar and price of a Pumpkin Spice latte.

I will leave you with our family recipe for pumpkin bread in hopes that you enjoy it as you carve a pumpkin, sit outside on a cool night, or something else fabulously fallish!


2 3/4 c. sugar (I’ve been told you can put half this, and I’ve tried half sugar, half Splenda if you are especially health-conscious)

1 c. Crisco

3 unbeaten eggs

2 c. pumpkin (1 can pumpkin)

3 1/2 c. flour

1/2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp each: cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and allspice

Cream sugar and Crisco.  Add eggs, beat well.  Add pumpkin.  Sift together flour, baking powder, salt, soda, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and allspice.  Add to mixture.  Grease pans and bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour and 15 minutes (more or less, depending on ovens).  Makes 2 loaves.  Top will brown and crack when done.

Especially for the man at Starbucks

“Do you know who you look like?” the man asked.

“Let me guess,” I thought.  I smiled and waited for it.

“Has anyone ever told you that you look like Brooke White from American Idol?”

“Yep!” I responded, “Only about 1000 times.”

So for all of you friends and clients who have met me and thought to yourself, “Where have I seen her before?”  This little post is just a confirmation that you really never met me before then, you just saw my look-alike on American Idol.  🙂

Sick week special

As I said early on this week, we have all been sick!  Honestly, our family rarely gets sick, but when it happens, there are some things that always get us through. (Here’s just a few!)

1. Sovereign Silver (collodial silver)–Known for its immune boosting power, this is our go-to med.  My chiro introduced me to this, and it’s great, natural infection fighter.

2.  Bath & Body Works Stress Relief sugar scrub and bubble bath–Ok, I also use this when I’m well, but for a horrible head cold, this seems to calm the senses.

3.  California Cuties Clementine oranges–Did you know that oranges are antiviral and anticancer fruits?  AND they give you more than just Vitamin C.  Research it sometime!  I have been addicted on these little cuties for a while now.  My family and I can’t get enough!

4.  Elderberry–This is actually a great immune system booster, too!  We have had 2 illnesses in a whole year on Elderberry, and both just happen to occur when we went without it for a few days.  That’s great for a family with a 2 and 4 year old who are around children at least 3 times a week.  It comes in tablet and liquid form, so I get tablet for Drew and I and liquid for the kids.  Research the properties of this little secret fruit and you’ll be surprised at the benefits!